Originally uploaded by tealights.
If there is one thing that I learned from 2006, it is that there is no time to waste. There were times during this past year that I experienced a rollercoaster ride, taking me along and past me I see work, family, precious events, friends.....flashing by, without experiencing the moments in full.
Time is precious and I better treat it this way in 2007, cause I know that the pace is not going to slow down. I will have to!!!!!! I will have to plan better, learn to say NO to trillions of things that I just can not fit in, MAKE time for important people and things and teach myself to really, really live in the moment!!!!
Going into 2007, I have my normal long list of "I want to`s" , but this year I also have a list of "I don`t want to...anymore`s". May time be my friend this year.... and may I appreciate it and treat it well!!
Isn`t it a beautiful collage??...please go and visit the photostream of "tealights" on flicker
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