I just needed it....to take a break
It was a very busy and tough week and this gypsy needed to take to the road and "charge" her soul...to face another tough week....
What do you do or where do you go....just to get to that place in yourself again, where you are totally peaceful and have all "resources" and "tools" in place??
But I had a lovely rest and here I am , back again.....and ready to thunder and roll!!!
thanks so much for your sweet comment!!
I love the images on your blog - divine!!!
I need to get to that place, too. Feeling a bit under the weather, truth be told. Sleep is needed in large quantities.
these images are breathtaking!
Hi there, I love the look of your blog and look forward to reading through it. Those wallpapers on your previous entry are just divine! I find my place to recharge is in other worlds and time's, through inspiring books and the imagination! Lovely to meet you.
I find that knitting and/or reading help a lot sitting in my art room where it is bright,warm and cozy!! (even if a bit crowded!!!!) love your blog!! Hugs Linda
Breaks are very very good. I get so obsessive about my breaks though. I get very very protective of my time and space when i need a break. I like to just go into the studio and play around.. Put on my favorite music loud and start throwing paint around. I go to a place inside of myself that is outrageous! Unreal, and out of this world. It is my favorite place to go. By the way, love that wallpaper place in your last post!!! I am glad you are back, I am enjoying my visits here.
oooh! You're my new gypsy find! Gorgeous papers on the post below. I just had a day dedicated to total recharge of my glow too!
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