Oh wow...it`s that day of the year again.....when all pranksters have a field day.....and this scatterbrained gypsy is always a likely target
Through the years I had many great April Fool`s tricks played on me....but the best ever, was one year (can`t remember the exact year ), when all the media in the country "played" together and announced that aliens had been sighted and captured in one of our deserts.........what a commotion.....
Interesting links .....Top 100 April Fool`s Day hoaxes of all time and The Top 10 Worst April Fool`s hoaxes ever
What was your best trick or the best one played on you?????
Excuse me...Hahaha...
Well I cant remember the best, but my kids put some plastic over the toilett, under the sitting ring.
My husband was'nt very glad. :-)
Hug to you my friend. / Stina
It might not have been April Fools but I got home from school one day and my elder brothers had put all the clocks forward to bedtime, and packed me off to bed at 4pm. I believed them and went!
Today my husband came home and told me that the chain of my favorite bakeries were all closig down and thousands of people would be out of work and I would no longer be able to buy my favorite chocolate Hedgehog slice! I believed him, he is still laughing at me!
Usually convincing somebody that I have a baby on the way...
Hey Gypsy! Thanks for visiting my Blog - I came here straight away to let you know you're not abandoned either! My favorite April Fools was when my uncle rigged up a spool on a string and hid it and then periodically pulled it inside our fireplace so that my mother thought a little mouse had gotten inside! My sister and I had lots of giggles that day!
Shades of Orwell's War of the Worlds radio cast back in the 30s. People were terrified. Somethings are easy to trick people with over and over again.
Tricks on me? I can't remember a single one. I don't think I'm much of a target (thank God). Hah.
Bon Jour, mon fellow French Fool! hee hee! I want to say MERCI for all the French links! ..I say let's chuck it all and move to the French Countryside!
Hi darling,how about swaping links?
I once told my sister that was a leopard living in the mountains behind our house, and thet she mustn't play outside cause he only eat little girls with redhair. hehehehehe
I hate tricks. I also hate playing tricks. I get all twitchy and nervous just thinking of it. Ugh!
what a beautiful picture you have. thank you
I got married on April Fools day. It didn't last - surprise surprise
I adore those tricks! Oh, my, I can not even remember.. I have fallen so many times.. perhaps becasue I do not keep a calendar....Off to see the top hoaxes of all time...
Oh Gysey, don't act all innocent! Remember last year, when you told me you've won a ticket for a tour around the world, and won't be able to make it to my wedding? You've handed out your fair share of pranks! hehehe
My dad was a great prankster! Every single April Fools he got my mom and us kids. He always mananged to get us, like saying he saw a deer in our yard. He must have been a great poker player, cause he never cracked a smile! At least, not until he was ready to reveal his joke. Then he got this mischevious look on his face and you knew you'd been had! :)
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