I love shoes.........so there, I`ve said it.....
I`m totally, madly, utterly, in love with shoes.......I will have hundreds of pairs if I would be able to afford them and place to put them.......they just call my name.......they tell me I just have to take them.......and they haunt me........
I truly believe that shoes can "make" or "break" any outfit and that it`s the shoes that "finish off" the look.........and everyone knows I`m a girl for detail......so...... I`m sold.....it`s shoes for me
I`ll take them all, thanks......
oh yes, shoes glorious shoes..
Oooops I read yr title and thought, CHOCOLATE!
I used to design shoes.
Go try that for a while and you'll get over your fixation...
And maybe I need to go work in a candy shop...
Sorry for not posting comments lately but I am in Paris and the internet is not treating me well. Back to England later today so hopefully I will be back to normal. There has to be a price to pay for being in such a wonderful place!
I love shoes too, I think it has something to do with the fact that if they don;t fit, it's not because you're fat...
I love that.
I do love shoes, but I confess my weakness is for handbags!
sweet addiction! ;)
I'm like Carol with the "chocolate". :)
I am not much of a shoe person, but I love the images you find! They're wonderful.
Hello I have just had a lovely time browsing through your blog and I could not resist this post! How I love shoes and yes!... the more the better!
i love shoes AND bags too!
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