Clare thought I might like the work of Paula Shepherd, and sent me the link...Clare was right......what fun and delight.......I love the fantasy images and themes.......thanx Clare
If you like the images .......there`s lots more on the site to enjoy....
This is from her site: "My artwork is based on the old English tradition of a scrap-book diary. I attempt to bring together all my visual and conceptual ideas in many mediums. I use antique textiles, silks, ribbons, beads, sequins, semi-precious stones and old findings. I have a huge personal collection to produce my fashion and interior pieces.
My sketch-book illustrations are overflowing with layer upon layer of images, sample sketches and scraps of fabrics, including exquisite filigree pieces of lace. Delicate hand needlework beading, appliqué and machine embroidery are bought up to date in an innovative way.
My work is unique and like a sophisticated puzzle. Each piece is a personal, individual inspiration and a step towards a collection of fashion or interior accessories."
My work is unique and like a sophisticated puzzle. Each piece is a personal, individual inspiration and a step towards a collection of fashion or interior accessories."
Her work is beautiful and whimsical. I love it! Thanks again for sharing such great links and pics!
Love this artist, she's very talented. Thanks for leaving comments on my blog! It really makes my day! :)
Hi! I'm glad you like her work; thought you might! Isn't it great? I met her just before Christmas in the Michal Negrin shop in Windsor, she was great fun to chat to! Clare x
Love her fashion pictures-I would love to post a few on Flights-I'll be sure to link back to you-thanks for sharing this artist!
Oh, these images are wonderful!!! I can't get enough!!!Thank you for the link!!
That art really looks like Vanessa's doesn't it?! I love that shoe.
What a great and whimsical find! I've been looking for someone just like her for years. Thank you gypsywoman!!
This is tickle pink girlie girl sweet fun!
You have absolutely GOT to stop posting so many interesting links. I'm not getting anything done over here!
Wow, what great work. Thanks for posting about this. I love to see the creativity of other people.
My oh my! I had so much fun here! Thanks to you and Clare for the heads up, i loved it!!!
oh my...she is wonderful!
fabulous artwork ~ wonderful x
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