I hope all the mothers out there had a fabulous Mothers Day.......I had such a lovely day.......
I forgot to take a picture of my gifts....they were so beautifully wrapped...I almost did not want to open them....here is a hamper and card I made for my Mom....
Thankyou for the Mothers Day wish... I am sending you a wish right back!!!! Have a great one!!!
Joyeuse fête des mères !
thank you gypsy !
a lot of beautiful flowers for you !
have a nice day :o)
very friendly, from south of france !
I love your blog, I just needed to say that. Glad you had a beautiful mother's day.
Joyeuse fête des mères
I hope it was. What a lovely gift you made for your Mother...
I always love visiting you, Gypsy!!
Hope you have a wonderful day,
I keep going back to your blog, my very dear cousin, who lives in Virgina calls herself Gypsy laughter. When she was a baby and growing up, her family moved all around the country. And she laughs all the time today, because she is such a happy person. I love your blog, I am Jeannene from Love Conquers All, (Garb-oodles Soup's sis~n~law). Very nice to meet you, I hope you come visit me sometime.
Happy to know you had a great time !
Your pictures are very beautiful, what a lovely loving heart ;)
Pretty, pretty! You are getting good with digital scrapbooking!
Hope you had a wondrous Mother's Day! But look what I just did... I tagged you!
And I hope that your Mother's Day was as special for you as the one you made for your Mom!!
Very, very pretty pictures! I'm glad that you had a wonderful day!
Oh, Happy Happy Happy Mother's day!!! Your last blog posts that, I don't know how, but I missed are fantastic!!! Loved them!! You always share such great visuals!!xxo,V
In France, Mother day is the may 27.
Thank you for your nice message in my blog.
Such a beautiful card for your mom!
It's such a gift, to enjoy a good mother's day, isn't it?
I travelled with all four children to Salzburg on Sunday, where my brothers were taking my mother to a beautiful place high above the city, under old chestnut trees, for lunch. And then we marched in. This was my gift for her, this surprise visit (she had already worried that I hadn't called *smile*, I couldn't, I am such a bad liar).
what a lovely heart ! i like it ... and happy mother's day !
It sounds like you had a nice day. I was a good boy and phoned my mom. :)
There are new guidelines at BBD and you're invited to participate in the South African Blog Roundup. Thanks.
"Thank you so much for visiting me, famous one!! You look to be so popular, everywhere!! How do you do it, your art, right? It is so stunningly beautiful... You have so many gorgous people in your art work, I do not know what you look like, You must give me a pic. of you. I am sure your beauty matches your art!!" I just love looking at your blog, I love decor as well, I was going to school for designing, and then I started haveing children... I plan to go back to this love of mine!!
I hope you had a wonderful mothers day. Thank you so much for the good wishes. The gifts in you photos look just beautiful.
A belated Happy Moms Day to you! If you have a minute, come by my blog...I need some opinions! Mucho tanks....have a great tuesday!
I was afraid reading your post I had forgotten the mother's day, but no I cheked out my calendar and fortunately in france it's in june !what a relief , my moher would have never forgiven me to forget !anyway happy mother's day Chamara !
I have no idea what a hamper card is but it certainly looks very beautiful
Très... très heureuse fête des Mères et merci beaucoup pour tes souhaits sur mon blog !!!
Suzanne dit qu'en France c'est le 27 mai... sur mon calendrier c'est le 3 juin !
Beautiful gifts! And I know what you mean, I hate to unwrap things too when they are so prettily wrapped. I love the pictures!
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