Friday, June 15, 2007

Gypsy says: You have to see this....

Some fabulous posts of the week.........

Lidy, of Tales from a Little FrenchGardenHouse, shared with us some devine images of shoes and flowers by the talented Basia Zarzycka. Go and have a look....there is lot`s more.....

Tara from Paris Parfait, always have the most devine images and posts, but this week, my favourite was the Guignol puppet theatre complete with marionettes........

Karen, from Assortments, shared with us the postcards she brought back from her trip to Portugal....the colorful beauties are from a little old book shop in Porto on the Rue Das Flores called Chamine da Mota. One is postmarked 1907

Niki, from Nostalgia at the Stonehouse, shared with us all the pretties on her dressing table.....

I min vackra varld.........what a stunning blog....have a look......

I fell in love with this image that Violette posted on her blog....and found one just as lovely at Desire to Inspire

........talking about Desire to much visual inspiration on one blog.....I just love visiting there.......

Kari, from ArtsyMama, found this absolutely stunning old book, with a half celluloid/half velvet cover.....loved it.....

As always, Ulla had tons of stunning things to share......but my favourite was the interior displays that Anthropologie whips up.....have a look, there is more.......


Anonymous said...

You are always steps ahead of me! Love the post, I am a big 'Basia' fan, so its always great to see more of her work!!! The puppet theatre is to die for- how does she dig up such goodies? only in France... and all the interior shots make me long to move things around, paint and re-decorate! You have a finger on the pulse of life girl!!!

Niki Fretwell said...

Great post!
Basia makes the most amazing things - have you seen the poodle bags at £10,000!!
Thanks so much for including my dressing table in this selection!

Anonymous said...

Stunning founds ! wonderful world !

I am glad also that you liked the photo I picked from "Vakre"
and I am so happy I know you !

Have a great week-end
Love frome France

Bronwyn said...

I love the puppets, and the newspaper and rubberbands around the little pot plants - that could be a nice idea for table decorations if you were having a dinner party - you could use tin cans, wrap the paper around with the rubberbands and use them for flowers.

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Thanks so much for including me, it is an honor (which rightly belongs to Basia) since you always have the most inspiring things to share.

If my "muse" disappears at any time, I will know just where to come to find her back, right here, with all the absolutely stunning photographs and ideas you find for us! You are a one~stop "find the best creativity and beauty" blog to visit.Parfait!!

Jo Walker said...

Thanks for including us in your roundup. Beautiful images. Gabi from Otras Ventanas found that lovely little girl image. She has a beautiful collection on flickr.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The collection of Basia shoes is just incredible...
fairie shoes !

Parisbreakfasts said...

I must get on my magic carpet and visit all these treasures!

Anonymous said...

All great finds!! Thank you for sharing! I hadn't seen Paris Parfait's puppet theater. All good stuff.

Karen Cole said...


Thanks for the the mention. I'm honored. You always have so many wonderful things to share. I am still a "babe in the woods" when it comes to this wonderful blogging universe. It is thrilling to me that so many people are finding so much beauty in this world.

Lisa Johnson said...

So many lovely little tidbits you have here! Your blog is delicious! Thanks for dropping by mine too! ; )

Anonymous said...

WOW. The shoes are beautiful. I love it :O

Ragged Roses said...

Wonderful beautiful photos, thanks for sharing them with us. There are some very inspirational sites around aren't there!
Kim x

Merisi said...

Oh my goodness, you really have mapped out for us a Yellow Blogroad (or should I say "sepia"?). I am floored, maybe Carol let's me jump on her Magic Carpet, and off I go ..... uiiiiiii. Thank you!
(The last pictures, with the books hanging from the ceiling, oh dear, next time the earth turns round, I'll leave my books an the floor .... *giggle*)

Anonymous said...

Candies for my eyes :-)

salty pebble said...

soooo stunningly beautiful gypsy!!
i love viewing all the images for ideas in my home...its a ray of sunshine i really love your blog entries!!! you have such style in how u put all these images together!! just beautiful!!!
its always such a great inspirational blog--- fantastic!!

oh' the shoes...those beautiful midsummer nights dream- fairy shoes....i want, i want a pair!!!!

such wonders and delights as always, you r like the best sweetie store...sooo much choice, so many blogs to view....

wonderful gypsy, just wonderful!!

x x x kazzy x x x

df said...

your blog is wonderful, beautiful, and I can't wait to take more time to explore it. Thank you!

Sophie Honeysuckle said...

Ooh!! I just love Basia, and her little shop on London is just heavenly (but too expensive for me sadly!!)
Thanks for posting such an inspiring collection of photographs-I'll definately be back soon!


Again lovely blogs with even more lovely pictures for inspirations, thanks a lot!! And do enjoy your summer sunday :)

Anonymous said...

your blog is wonderfull!!! iafter seing that i feel like chanching all my house and to create and create more and more!! thanks a lot to share that with us!!

eb said...

hi Gypsy - thanks for your visit - now about all this yummy eye candy...


xox - eb.

Patri Jorge said... first one!!!!!!! may I use it?? best regards. patricia.

justin said...

What wonderful stockings!!

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Oh my! Those shoes...I'm speechless.

What a wonderful collection of photos you've found! Serious eye-candy.

Kimberly :)

The Paris Apartment said...

gypsy darling how do you do it! always sending us more and more to devour! thank you so much...

Heather ~ Pretty Petals said...

Oh my goodness, Such beautiful pictures. I love every one!


Di Overton said...

I just have to lay aside an hour or so to follow these fantastic links you put up. You are a little treasure

Anonymous said...

Yum! Thanks for sharing these tasties!

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Oh thanks for the I min Vakra link!

Linda said...

It always takes me hours to explore all of the links you provide. I don't even know the language of the Varld site-swedish, Norwegian?-but I such like the photos.

IndigoGirl said...

Oh my! I love those stockings! I want, I want!

Anonymous said...

Merci beaucoup pour tes visites chez moi,tes photos sont toujours aussi magnifiques,j'aime beaucoup la déco avec les petites plantes dans les journeaux,c'est simple et sympatique,et Lidy...

Anonymous said...

I am going bananas right now,over the first picture in this post.It is sooooooooo beautiful!!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Gorgeous. I got lost in the world of anthropologie. The ceiling with its book adornment was spectacular.


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