Saturday, July 14, 2007

Gypsy says: You have to see this....

Some fabulous posts of the week:

I just loved the art of Virginie Peyre, colourful and bohemian.....magical and fun.....introduced by Hidden in France. All images from the website of Virginie Peyre.

I`ve always had a dream to design a kids furniture line.......and when I saw Kidsfactory , via Purple Area, it just felt as if it came out of my own dreams....totally loved it!!!!!! All images from their website.

Housemartin introduced us to Marston & Langinger, best known for built-to-order glass buildings and stylish garden-room furniture. All images from their website. Isn`t this a dream.......

I just love to experience France through the eyes and lens of Linda, from Frenchless in France.

I loved the stunning photographs by the Polish photographer Małgorzata Maj, on Ulla`s fabulous blog. Ulla posted some other terrific inspirations this week as well....I enjoyed every one of them.....

Di, from Designers Block, outdid herself this week, with so many fabulous personal favourites........Megan Park Interiors (Images from their website) , Pausa, a Swedish site (All images from their website) , and her flower images via Marie Claire Maison........but there is lots more....have a look.....

Precious Style blog introduced us to the Shanghai Inn........I would love to stay there sometime......

Mary, from Across the Pond, had an excellent post on Cornwall.....Mary, I just immediately wanted to go and visit......

Et a part ca, one of the French blogs that I visit regularly, had a fabulous post on "My Paris".....I just loved this!!!!!!! As this blog is in French, I might be mistaken if I say it is all her own images...

I followed this link from Di`s blog, and I`m so glad I did......for this is where I will be sitting for the rest of the weekend enjoying the view .......come and join me.......All images from their website.


Megan said...

I just love your images....thanks for sharing them!

Megan xx

Karen Cole said...

My you do get around!

I LOVE the art of Virginie!!!

I want all of the lavender, the doorknob, the photographs the..............

Judy said...

Me too Karen - and I want it all now. how sensational are those magnificent photo's. Thanks Gypsy.

katiedid said...

Oh My! I am going to have a lot of blog visiting to do! I went to Frenchless in France and it is wonderful.So I am off to see the others! Thanks for the wonderful post!:)

Anonymous said...

Fabulous is right!
And thank you for mentioning my blog.

Q said...

Dear Gypsy,
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
I am sitting right there with you!
I think a summer in Paris would be wonderful!Yummmm...
Frenchless in France is a delight, I saved and will revisit and for sure.
I always enjoy coming to see you and all the grand places you share.
Thanks again,

perfect bound said...

thanks for visiting my blog,
I have also featured you in a post about purple. check it out:

I think the photos you find are amazing. You have a great eye. And it looks like you've also got the connection to great blogs around the world. thanks for sharing. I'm off to check out more...

Anonymous said...

Hand me some OXYGEN!!! This is tooo much! Too beautiful! Toooo much goodness sharing for words!!! Every single visit, every single place, every single link, is stunning... Let's meet at the Shanghai inn!!! Oh, I think I must get one of those kids bed cottages for myself!! xxo

Rosemary said...

Love that conservatory! Wish I had one just like it.
All of the other pictures are really great too.
Thanks for sharing.

Linda said...

Thanks for the mention of my blog. I love coming to yours-I don't know how you find all of those great places, but I love to visit every one of them. Linda

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures that make us travel...
Kids furnitures are just wonderful !!!

Anonymous said...

Your posts & images have me swooing with delight and joy in all the magic...I'll take one of those kids' playhouses ;o)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, we are new to blogging and you have given us some wonderful sites to check out.

Southern Heart said...

Very lovely photos and links! I especially love the photos of Paris, and that conservatory!!


Beas said...

Checking in from Sweden - I just love your colorful blog and the way you present it.

The treehouses shown - inspires me and awakes the kid in me. Something to apply in my children's bedrooms perhaps? :-)

Holly Loves Art said...

Thank you for sharing so many pretty pictures and sites! Wow! I would love to go to Shanghai... and to stay in all that PINK... I'd be in pure heaven.

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

I love the pictures you have posted.I really like the Polish photographer pictures as well. Those beds would be any kids dream bed. Nita

stilettoheights said...

I swear, every week you out do yourself with finding beautiful images!!!

Anonymous said...

Again....more amazing sites and images and places to visit!!!!

Di Overton said...

I always look so forward to you collections from the blogs and you have done ME proud this week my darling. You always make it worth the effort with your lovely compliments.

Anonymous said...

I loved looking through these links and photos - thanks for sharing and giving me some much needed eye candy this week! :)
I always love visiting your site, my dear!!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

I *love* the little bird nests with the cashews. What a great idea. You have a great eye for fun and interesting things.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful eye candy! Thanks for sharing all those links.


Anonymous said...

Love those kid's beds.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful imagery to stimulate the creative juices! Love the links you share with us.

Bronwyn said...

Yet another fabulous round-up. My eyes are wide just absorbing all that visual sumptuousness. Love the Shanghai Inn, and the roses in the cup. Simply wonderful!!!!

Marion said...

Wow, I'm going to have a lot of great blogs to visit! Thanks for sharing these photos...they are really lovely!

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

Love all of them.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, just a beautiful post (as always)


Anonymous said...

WOW....I love each and every photo.

Jessica Moreau Berry said... many fabulous link-ups.....where do I start?

Lisa Johnson said...

Your posts are such a feast for my eyes!

Anonymous said...

Scrumptious !!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Gypsy, you always take us on the most fun trips all around the world. I look forward to these posts in particular. All my best, Annie

Patri Jorge said...


Anonymous said...

Be still my heart~ the glass garden house is a life long dream of mine. Just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Great finds as always.

Lisa said...

I am now addicted to your blog! Beautiful.

vicci said...

Gypsy..Thanks for the wonderful links and visuals!!!! I will be visiting all of them! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just love all the photos. There are so many beautiful things as always. I'm out letting people know I'm having a give away because I'm so happy. I now have two granddaughters. Miss Twinkle came into the world to join her sister Miss Sparkle 3 days ago. I can hardly contain myself. I hope you can drop in.

Anonymous said...

I WANT THAT GLASS BUILDING! Absolutely beautiful, thanks for sharing such lovely images with us.

Parisbreakfasts said...

I'm not going anywhere.
I'm sitting tight right here!
Merci :)

somepinkflowers said...

you pull together
eye treats!

enjoyed your flikr, also.

how did you do
those little blocks
in May faves, in June faves, etc?

so amazing to see
such a kaleidescope of beauty.


Anastasia said...

whoazer!! so many beautiful images
the lavendar and old doors,
and so much beauty

Gill said...

Conservatories. My dream. Lovely imagery!

The GlitterFairy... said...

Wow!!! I want to be in every one of those pictures! Gee-orgeous, fabulous and delish...thanks for letting me take such a beautiful trip!

Tara Anderson said...

You always manage to find the most fabulous photos! Love the childrens rooms..... it gives me lots of new ideas for my little ones room too! Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gypsy...I miss the beauty of your posts...

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful finds on your blog and I think we share plenty of things...So, a little gift from Paris but I suppose you already know...We never know... and

Anonymous said...

Bonjour Gypsy
What a Lovely walk in your Blog !
friendly of PROVENCE

jessica said...

beautiful, rich pictures.
love it.

Tricia said...

wow!!!! love all the images and links-i am off to explore. :)

Barbara Jacksier said...

Hi Gypsy
Following a French trail, I just found your site and love it. I'm going to feature you as my BLOG DU JOUR today. My blog is Cozy Waterside Cottages but I've recently been blogging about my recent trip to France.

Check it out at

Anonymous said...

missing your posts Gypsy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the inspiration! Nice to see you have found your way to "Pausa", where I sometimes write, as well as Purple Area. :-) Tme "my Paris" entry is beautiful! And I would love to stay at Shanghai Inn!

Anonymous said...

Je viens de découvrir ton il y a vraiment des choses magnifiques à voir dessus.
Je reviendrai volontier faire un petit tour. A bientôt.

a Bohemian Market said...

Oh Lady Gypsy:
This is one of your most magnificent posts. I come back to it often and forgot to say hello. I hope you are well.
Thank you

Archana Srinivas Pottery said...

So inspiring!

Niesz Vintage Home said...

What fabulous images!

Love the garden rooms, and the roses in beautiful china. you see a theme? LOL

Kimberly :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures and great inspiration! I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Where do I even begin?? Where do I look first?? I love your blog, Gypsy, and am always blessed when I discover new and beautiful things to spice up life. Thanks for sharing what you love with us.

PS. I tagged you! Check out my blog for details...
pps. sorry if you've have to do thisw more than once. :)

Hilde C. said...

I’ve nominated you Rockin’ Girl Blogger. The point is to mention some blogs you like, so others can discover them too. You can send this nomination forward if you want to, or not. No pressure :-)

Merisi said...

Just dropping a note to say I miss you! Hope everything's fine.

Anonymous said...

Halo my sweet friend!

I have been away for quite a long time & was so anxious to come visit & see what I have been missing out on! I have missed you!

I see your last post was quite some time ago, hope all is well in your world, drop me a line if you get a chance, I have had you on my mind~

xo!! ~Bella

Anonymous said...

Well Ms Gypsy, I curious what you've been up to lately? I hope you're enjoying a summer of fabulous fantasy and have lots of tales to regale us with :)

stilettoheights said...

are you still there??? I have missed your posts of pure beauty.

hope you are well.

Blame It on Paris said...

I hope all is well, Gypsy Purple! I miss your beautiful posts.

xxxxx said...

I hope you're keeping well Chamara, or on some long vacation somewhere gypsy-like and exotic. I've missed you!

Clare and Mike said...

Hi, I haven't visited for a while and have enjoyed catching up - hope you are enjoying a well-deserved break and I look forward to seeing more of your most inspirational posts! Clare x

Justina said...

I LOVE your posts, they're so inspirational :-D please check out my new Bohemian Blog :-D

Annie Jeffries said...

We miss you. Even the emails are silent. Wishing you well.

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Can you imagine being a child in one of those children's rooms? How very incredible!

FO - 2 said...

I love all of your pictures! :)
The details.
Colours, lights, wine etc.
Mmmmmmmm. Perfect.

Judy said...

Chamara - heeeeeeeeeeeellllllllooooooooooooo
where are you, did you get lost in Paris. We all miss you and your lovely posts.
Hope you are well and enjoying yourself.
Ciao bella.

Anonymous said...

I keep coming back to check on you. I hope all is well and that you're just taking a lovely break.


Merisi said...

Knock, knock!
I hope you are well!
Hugs from Vienna,

purple area said...

From one Purple to another, great wonderful post, and thanks for mentioning me!

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone is feeling the same way -- we miss you! Hope all is well. Come back soon!

Merisi said...

Dropping by and leaving you a bundle a sunshine. *hug*

Anonymous said...

Dear GYpsy thanks for this lovely tribute to ETAPARTCA ! so glad you enjoyed , my paris, and indeed I confirm I only post picture I take . I sometimes wonder the opportunity of translating and finally never do , too bad !

Anonymous said...

These photos are incredibly inspiring! Thanks for bringing them all together. Carol

Rosemary said...

I just had to go see the Swedish furniture site! Some of the most creative children's rooms I've ever seen, and most of it wouldn't be that hard for DIY to do.

Kristina said...

Oh I had to read and absorb alot here - it's been a while since I've visited and I LOVE all your inspiration! said...

Hi darling,just passing threw to say all the goodies,come see my june bug in August!xxoo

Karen Cole said...

Hope you are well.

Was speaking to someone the other day and we both said" where the heck is Gypsy!!!!????"

Hope all is well in your world.

Shona Cole said...

what a wonderful mix of images, I could spend all day looking at them


OH!! How many visitors!! It just took of with your blog, so fun!
I really loved the old photographs, and also the beautiful table setting from Designers block. So simple, but yet so stylish :)
I hope that your days are filled with creativity and joy!
Greetings from Holland and Aina (",)

somepinkflowers said...

just came back to check on you...

hope you are traveling
some such fun thing...


Anonymous said...

missing your posts Gypsy , i hope you are well

Annie Jeffries said...

We haven't forgotten you. So many of us our aching to know what has happened to you. Does anyone know?


Dorian Fletcher said...

You are sorely missed, Gypsy Purple! I love your colorful offerings - I hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are well and we are missing your post...

Bridget said...

Magnifiques images! I hope you're well.

Creative Archive said...

I enjoy your blog! Love that Shanghai Inn and the theres something about the candles by the pool...

gilda said...

so beautiful

Kalirati said...

Shanghai Inn--I'm there!

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