Thursday, October 11, 2007

Proud Grandma

To all my dear friends......millions of thanks for all your great wishes and mails........they have meant the world to me.

Well...this gypsy is back and will start blogging again from now on........I`ve missed you all so much and can`t wait to catch up with all the news and lovely stuff on all your blogs........

Can`t help myself to share my 2 bundles of joy with they are both in their first week. Of course they look totally different by now and is still changing them both to bits.........


Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Oh wow!!!! Aren't they both the most perfect, most incredible, most amazing little things in the world?! They are gorgeous!!!!Lucky, lucky you.:-)

Di Overton said...

Delighted to see you back, thanks for the lovely comment on my blog.
These two are so cute I am so pleased you have joined the Grandma Club it was getting a bit lonely. Congratulations and let's hope they have their Grandmother's fabulous personality.

xxxxx said...

Congratulations Chamara!! These are gorgeous babies. So glad to see you're blogging again. I've missed you!

rochambeau said...

Welcome back to Bloglandia Gypsy P!
We're glad your back.

Ro Bruhn said...

Congratulations, what wonderful little treasures, now you can enjoy all the pleasure without having to go through the pain. I adore my grandchildren, but i love that I'm not the one who has to get up to them during the night.

Diane Duda said...

They are perfect! :)

Judy said...

Wooohooo - your'e back - so glad, we missed you so much.
Congrats on those two gorgeous babies, granny.
Thanks for stopping by.

PAT said...

Beautiful babies!! O my goodness, I know how proud you are of these sweet baby boys!


smilnsigh said...

Precious! Precious! Precious!

Happy Spring to them, and to their happy Nana.


Anonymous said...

So glad to see you back in blogland! Beautiful baby pictures!


Anonymous said...

Dear Chamara ,So happy you're back, hope everything will go well now for you!!I missed you too!

Rosemary said...

So glad you are back!! I have missed you.
Those babies are perfect!! Beautiful.

ShabbyInTheCity said...

Sakes alive I thought about sending the national guard to find you! Those two are really, really cute little bundles!!! Have you nuzzled in that hair? And felt of that soft, soft skin? Show more! Glad you are back Gypsy :)

Annie Jeffries said...

A-doooor-able. Very good reasons to go MIA, Gypsy-love. Welcome back and welcome to the world, little ones. Annie

Anonymous said...

ahhh, babies.. I so love babies. I want one in each arm at all time. I'm glad you're back to blogging. It's not quite the same without you.

Lena said...

Oh my! They are beautiful.
Best wishes to them and to you their dear Gypsy grandmama, as well.

Anonymous said...

They are beautifull !! congratulations !!!

somepinkflowers said...

if i had ONE of those darlings
around here,

i would learn to blog
with one hand...


if i had TWO,
i would be too busy
stealing kisses...

Sugar Bear said...

Congratulations! So happy to have you back. Hope you are getting better everyday!

Debra from Bungalow said...

Goodness they are so sweet. Congratulations gramma!

Glad you are back, I was wondering where you were.
Hugs, DebraK

Hilde C. said...

Congratulations! And welcome back :)

Mary said...

So happy you're back 'grandma" - join the club, grandbabies are such treasures!

Looking forward to seeing your lovely posts again soon - meanwhile enjoying those gorgeous little ones - know you are going to be busy with them around.

Hugs - Mary.

Karen Cole said...

I am so happy you announced your return and that you are so full of love and joy. I am looking forward to my own grandchildren at some point. My son got married last October.:-)

They are beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

many congratulations Gypsy - such beautiful babies...

xox - eb.

Anonymous said...

So wrapt you are back! Aren't they gorgeous! Congratulations!!!!

Mélanie said...

I'm so happy you are back . I can't wait to read your new gypsy posts.
By the way , they are both so beautiful ...Congratulations

Anonymous said...

What happiness! What a pleasure to share it with you ! congratulations
Friendships from France

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog thanks to Bridget...congratulations for the babies and all the lovely photos here!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on those adorable babies and welcome back!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations for these two beautifuls babies !!!
I have missed you and so happy to see you are really
back !

Anonymous said...

congratulations on those adorable babies & I'm so glad you're back

Whimsy Pink said...

what a cute baby! I just had a little girl a few weeks ago!~ Just adorable!

Q said...

Little Angels!
Sweet darlings.
Glad you are back blogging, missed you.

love.boxes said...

Congratulations!!! What a beautiful babe!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Beautiful, blessed, wonderful, exquisite bundles of joy! I love looking at the faces of babies, how pure they precious. I bet your pride shows from every pore!

lostworld_me said...

Sooooo cute touchwood!!! Heartiest Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing in the world like loving and sharing life with a baby. Congratulations!

The Nostalgia Fairy said...

Sweet,sweet babies. You must be very proud.

katiedid said...

So THAT'S where you've been! And of course that's exactly here you should have been. Where else? Congratulations! Beautiful beautiful.

Clare and Mike said...

Hi! Huge congratulations - what gorgeous babies! So glad you will be blogging regularly - I really do enjoy the fascinating photos and links you provide.

Have a great weekend.

Clare x

Anonymous said...

Congrats Congrats!!!!! AWWW Adorable baby admiration from my heart!! They are just precious and sweet :)
You must be over the moon!

Unknown said...

Such beautiful babies--how wonderful! Welcome back, I'm looking forward to reading your blog again!

design dna said...

precious!! congratulations! i know you are so proud you could burst!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your adorable grand-children. I'm not sure what you went through in the past weeks, but hope things are looking up for you. Take care!

Carla said...

What a beautiful boys! Two of them, you must very proud. Lovely blog also!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!Hope they get real fairy godmothers.

Valerie said...

What absolutely beautiful babies!

Diane Dehler said...

What absolute darlings! May both their lives be creative, joy filled and blessed.

stilettoheights said...

Congrats on the little darlings, I am so happy to have you back!! You were missed.

Merisi said...

Beautiful little angels!
Congratulations and lots of blessings to all of you.
Big hug,

Blame It on Paris said...

They are so cute! No wonder you're proud!

Anonymous said...

sweet babies ! Congratulations

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Perfect! Precious!
Congratulations to all!


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