I`m so blessed.......I`ve had two wonderful grandmothers.......totally different........each with their own unique strengths and personalities.
Both of them taught me many many things and I treasure the hours I`ve spent with them and the memories I`ve "stored" to take out whenever I need them........
I hope that I will be that grandmother....the one who listens.....never to busy to help........who show them a fantasy world and teach them things that no one will ever be able to take away from them.........one with worth........one with a wealth of knowledge........and much, much love.........
It is one of my favorite dreams : becoming one day that grandmother you describe !
Mine was just like that and I know I will love being a grandmother (my children are so youg that I'll have to wait a while and keep healthy..)
Thank you for this post and thanks for your visits and words !
I had one grandmother that moaned all the time and the other that laughed all the time. The laughing one taught me so much. I try to be a laughing grandmother. My daughter in law is in labour as I type this and I can't wait to hear the news. When is yours due, I bet you can't wait.
What a lovely tribute to your grandmothers.
Thank you for dropping by my blog and commenting. I do hope to see you again!
I love how you can visit people all over the world on blogs and see run into people you already know...Hi Wende!
I also wanted to say thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I thought I'd check yours out.
Both my Grandmothers were mean, so I don't know what it feels like to have a great one. Instead I kind of adopted my old next door neighbor who would make me tea with milk and sugar and cookies. I loved her so much! I have always wanted to be a grandmother. I'm not sure my son intends to be a father though (he's VERY young, so he has a chance to change many times before he grows up) but if I don't have my own grandchildren, I will adopt someone else's to spoil and feed tea with milk and sugar and cookies and to listen to all day long when no one else has the time for them.
I really enjoyed this post!
I love that picture! My grandma was a sweet little woman and I was a busy teenager who didn't have time to sit and learn to crochet. Now I regret that. My other grandmother was gone before I was born but I look just like her. I inherited my sewing and "crafting" skills from both of them. They both made beautiful things. I hope my future grandchildren will have time to sit down with me and create. How fun that will be. Thanks for this wonderful post!
Gypsy, You have a fascinating blog, will look forward to visiting again. Thanks for visiting me as well.
returning a visit you paid my blog...
I love this post...nothing in the world like grandmothers and I even loved my Hubby's grandmother who lived to the age of 87.
My new landlady was just here and she is in her late 70's and I love her to pieces and strive to be like her when I grow up!!
Come back and see me any time...I'm bookmarking you for furture visits!
I am a grandmother, and I hope my granddaughters will say I am the kind you've described . . . I strive to be so. I loved my boys to pieces, but there is nothing in this world like holding a new grandbaby in your arms, the first time, and all the wonderful times after that . . . xoxo
Oh! I love this picture!
What a lovely picture and story. I had one grandmother that always made the time for me, she tried to make me learn different languages, just before she died. Amazing ! She had passed 80, she couldnt see and she almost couldnt hear, but still she loved the life and had a great pleasure in teaching and listening. How great is that ? And i am glad you still can have these experienses!Treasures it, because before you know it you dont have it anymore :)
I also want to thank you so much for remembering me on my birthday, made me smile :) Have a great weekend Gupsy girl!
This is a very sweet post and your grand children will be fortunate to have a grandma like you. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to hearing more from you.
Your welcome! Love your pictures from Elizbeth House.
The painting could have been one of me and my grandmother.
I don't have grandkids myself yet, but it's soon time for it :-)
Lovely, thoughtful post...I lost my last grandparent when I was 7 so I don't have many memories of them. I do remember getting a smack on the hand from my nanna when I was about 5 for sticking my finger in the vegemite jar...apparently she was quite a crabby lady! And I do remember my grandmother making ice-cream...yumm! My children have been blessed and have wonderful grandparents...Nel
You are very blessed to have had such lovely grandmothers. Mine were rather distant and it's been one of the great regrets of my life that I was not able to be closer to them.
Thanks for visting my blog also! :)
Oh, youwill be the most wonderful granny this side of the planet, I am very sure of that!!!! What lucky babies...xxo,Vanessa
Thank you, my friend.
I'm sure that you gonna be that grandmother.
Hug Stina
so lovely ...
awww, made me think of my darling little grandma, she was the cutest ever! Hope to be 1/2 as cool as her when it's my turn!
I am so glad that you stopped by to visit, and that I in turn found you! What a delightful blog, and such a loving tribute to your grandmothers. I have no doubt that you will be an excellent one yourself, when that time comes.
I enjoyed reading about your loving French things. I am 1/4 French (maternal grandfather), and find a lot of "French influence" in my life. I also enjoyed seeing the pictures from the lovely tea you gave for your mother---she is quite a lucky woman. It is so very nice to meet you; I added you to my favorites, and look forward to visiting again soon!
Fondly, Andrea
With a legacy of grandma love like that, you have great role models. You will be a great grandma someday (pun intended). :]
Where to start?!! 1) Your Tea Party looks fantastic, what a joyous time too! What a beautiful picture of grandmother and granddaughter. I too aspire one day, with Gods blessings, to be a wonderful gandmother. You had wonderful grandmothers!!
2) Paula Shepard's work is fabulous!! I love it.
Thank you for showing us So many wonderful things!!!
With Kindness,
Great post! It made me think of my wonderful grandma. I have such wonderful memories.
You will be that Grandma that you want to be by just being yourself. There is something so special that just happens. I see it with my kids and their grandparents. Sometimes I'm jealous because I miss mine so much.
Cheers! LA
What a touching post!!! We are truly blessed to have memories locked within our hearts of those moments we share with our Grandmothers.
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