The Adventures of Elizabeth is one of the blogs that I`ve been reading for a quite a while now, and I`m always inspired by her style, posts and attention to detail....and with me DETAIL is always a keyword.....
In her last post....she posted about flea markets and showed some lovely finds....... what puzzled me, was the remark that she always buy all the French vintage collars that she can find at flea markets and use them in projects...she promised to show us in the next post how she use them....and voila......here it is......
Elizabeth also have a boutique...Elizabeth House
it is stunning !!!! thank you for the pictures I am going to have a look immediately !
OK I am back after Paris and my computer taking on a French nationality all on its own and I have time to browse the blogs.
This is one fantastic find - I am going back for a longer look. Love the collar idea!
Gypsy, thanks for stopping by my blog! Please come back again..I love meeting new friends.
Southern Hospitality
How flattering that you should find my idea worthy of posting in your blog! What a thrill - and thank you so very much. I hope we meet someday.
What a beautiful eye fore detail Elizabeth has. Her photos are amazing as well as her ideas.
These are great! So "brilliant" as my 6 yr. old says! Thanks for directing me to her a blog! :)
oh, what a wonderful, wonderful find on your part, your blog appeals to every part of me that is obsessed with everything French.
Wow! What a great idea! What an original way to use vintage collars....
very beautiful adress! thanks a lot!
Love your blog! And those collars ar fab aren't they? What a great idea.......I see you are in South AFrica, my parent are going there in May for 3 weeks.... they have been all over the world, and it is their absolutely favorite place! They have been about 12 times!!! The only place in Africa that I have been was Kenya, and I loved it. I can't wait till I can visit your Country.
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