Am I the only one this has happened too.....or is this natural???
Is it part of the 40+ package -unexplainable-overnight-happenings in your body???
WHY DON`T MY CLOTHES FIT ANYMORE........and I anyway don`t want to wear them anymore...who`s clothes is this in my cupboard........nothing seems right anymore.....
I have this very unnatural or perhaps natural phenomena happening to me, that at this stage of my life .........I`ll have to re look my whole "look"
My almost 14-year old thinks it is "cool" and I know all she see is ....shopping and fitting........my mother ...who taught me to shop and appreciate beautiful things, has a new project........you know.........fashion is her "thing"
Oh my.......I need help.......but maybe, just maybe...........at this stage of your life...when you KNOW who you are, what you like, what you want........and don`t need to impress anyone ELSE ....maybe this will be the best "look" I`ve ever had.......
I feel with you. Everything in my closet is ... well, worn thrice over (meaning three seasons). Slowly beginning to think I need to move into a cupboard because that's the only place I have something to wear. :-)
That outfit in the pictures looks ... hm ... where would I be able to show up with it? ;-)
I only know who I am when I am in jeans and a sweater, the rest leaves me floundering, except for very posh hat is I can manage that. Good luck with the search for a new wardrobe.
Time to recycle those memorable clothes from the past. Maybe your almost 14 year old will think some of those clothes are 'vintage' now. ;) Or, you can cut them up and turn them into new treasures.
As I approach my 40th birthday nothing fits from years ago and I don't have the same style anymore anyway. So you're probably right that this is your best look ever!
I understand this feeling completely. My closet started evolving four months ago. It seemed like I was always asking for another's opinion, even if the asking was only in my head. Now it's my opinion only. I am beginning to like my closet better.
p.s. It's three in the morning and I can't sleep. I am glad to find this post as it helped me uncover why I reacted the way I did to something today. I think I can sleep now.
Tee hee,,You are so funny!..I gained a few pounds since last Fall and , uh...HELP! I am on a diet to lose 12 of those nasty ponds s oI can fit Back into my clothes!
I loved this post, I am 31 and I am starting to feel the same way, I no longer can where the cute/slutty clothes that used to make me feel good about myself.
It opens up a whole new world.
The print is beutiful!!! Is it French? I would LOVE to wear the "over" dress, making it a shorter dress. I have a modest small wardrobe but Love it. My Daughter takes note if I stray in a bad direction, which is me getting lazy. But I have enjoyed too many meals out while redoing our kitchen. ALSO: after 40 we VERY EASILY gain weight!!! I forgot the ratio (it was frieghtening!) of how a womans body over 40 handles her calories now. Lets just say, keep moving so we can feel healthy! : ) oh ya, and keep eating healthy too.
I love my curves, but for me I know that I have to eat more healthfully and not eat like I'm in Versailles! : )
With Kindness,
Thank You for listening! I needed your post today and I wish I had that dress. Merci
thank you !!! your blog is very pretty !
This image is truely gorgeous, the glamour puss which is within would wear this to go to sainsbury's (supermarket) but as i have gained 2 stone in recent years i have been hunting a pair of dungarees, until i have lost the weight, yesterday i managed to get a pair of black cotton velvet ones but i think the make me look a bit like a children's t.v presenter, not really the look i was hoping for...x
Excelente!!!! The only thing that matters is how much you love and accept yourself
You, Gypsy Purple, have been in my closet! I swear to you I have been going through the exact same thing. I had to go shopping the other day because none of my clothes looked good on me. I'm 47 and I'm lifting weights and walking and I still can't fit in my clothes. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one.
And I thought chasing around after my 4 little ones would help me lost "those extra pounds"! Isn't working! =)
It is hard to realize I'll never where a short skirt again, but on the other hand, I'm not a slave to fashion anymore. I still love to see the new trends, but I can pick and choose what works for me. I also decided to lose my extra pounds by excercise and eating right. So now, it's a little easier trying on new clothes (although I will never enjoy trying on a swimsuit-eeeeeeeeek!):)
Hey try 50+. I am one of the lucky ones and tend to stay constant BUT gravity is evil and what used to stay up now comes down.
You go for it girl what an excuse for a shopping trip - enjoy
I have decided there is no style to be had that does not involve comfort and authenticity. I have extra poundage to be sure but I wear what is distinctly ME and then it feels good. Accepting ones body size, shape and gravity pulling parts is rather a hard thing to do....I am trying at the age of 53 just to be FREE.
Your post made me think!
I think that outfit is very cute, and it also looks comfy...think I can find that at the Gap, lol?
Gotta tell you, If I could look like the woman in this image everyday - I would be ever so happy! My 12 year old thinks I have the fashion sense of a 'grandmother' and I have always felt so secure about my looks... Guess nothing is for sure, or for ever... But, like you, I can't help thinking that we have a 'few' extra years experience to use...!
You are more than welcome to link to my jewelry, Earth Angels should have them on their site next week!!! I'll try to post a few more photos tomorrow. Thanks for your enthusiasm!
I agree with all your readers...they make perfect sense :)
I've dealt with a few happenings too over the years but I think I've figured it out. The clothes we've had like forever, have either shrunk or become mis-shapen...seriously. Colors fade and well, clothes don't hold places in that need holding in and clothes go out of style.
It's true, sometimes we need a little wardrobe change out and add new colors, materials, style, and accessories to give us a little fashion lift. I can't afford to do my whole wardrobe at once, but maybe twice a month I'll add a piece or two.
It is hard when the world around us changes fashion like we change clothes and yet inwardly we stay the same because that's who we are. I think you will feel better all around by a little fashion change too, and of course choosing things that you feel comfortable in.
Cheer up...we're right there along side you :)
Miss Gypsy , you are already clothed in a beautiful soul and that is all you need ...there isn't a stitch out there that can enhance what you already are!
I can so relate! I'm going to be 42 in August (but thankfully don't look my age!) I went from being a San Francisco schee-schee, fa-la-la artsy fartsy, shopped till I dropped fashionista hipster and groovester.......to living in Atlanta and being a mommy to my three terror tots.
I can no longer fit into those types of clothes anymore after having 3 babies in my mid-late 30's. So in the winter-time I still wear black shirts, jeans and my faithful Doc Martins. Summer time - I cringe!! Who wants to see someone with a big arse in shorts?? haaaaaa! So now I'm trying to find things to wear that won't make people want to poke their eyeballs out but at the same time I feel comfortable in without looking like a frump.
In spite of all that.....I don't feel that I have the insane need to impress anyone anymore. I impressed myself by having 3 beautiful children :D
I feel we grow wiser with age and the poochy midrif gives me wisdom!
Instead of a golden blonde that I maintained for years with the help of a colorist I am mostly a ~silver fox~ now!100percent chemical free!I feel liberated!!hugs Ng
Oh how true!!! So its an international happening then!! I just wish the 'circus tent' look would make an appearance on the cat walk...then I'd become a leader in the fashion world rofl.
What a beautiful serene image this is too....gorgeous.
You said it all in your last paragraph - we just don't have to dress to impress anyone else anymore. I love it. I also love the poem - When I Am Old I Shall Wear Purple!
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