Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Gypsy says: I love this girly images

Today I feel girly, pinkish and romantic........and I`m celebrating that with these images ......

Some stunning images from the Sarah Kaye Represents site......

Style Court called these images "Unapologetically Pretty "

Style me Pretty shared with us some of the beautiful Kylie Lambert cupcakes......

I saw this amazing image on the blog of Valori Wells.....

It`s always a joy to visit Suzanne at L`Armoire de Suzanne

Romance from the blog of Florizelle...Le Divan Fumoir Bohemien

.......and they all live happily ever after.......Di, from Designers Block, shared with us some entertaining photographs...see her block for more.....


Anonymous said...

I adore your blog and have been lurking long enough! I too love France. Quite an obsession in fact.
Here is to add to your 'roulotte' collection, just in case you don't know of those yet.


Style Court said...

All beautiful Gypsy! Thanks for the mention.

The Nostalgia Fairy said...

I have just discovered your blog and all I can say is wow. What delicious photo's, thanks for sharing, I am in heaven and will be back again.

Mia said...

Such beautiful photos! I love pink and all things girly, so the images in your blog are spot on. Thank you!

Asia Jacyna Divakaran said...

What fun, eclectic blog you have! thank you for your comments on mine as well......let's keep inspiring our Artistic Souls!

Donna, The Decorated House said...

Hey Sweet Gypsy Girl!
The pink and girly was refreshing after a hot sweltering day.
That cake is hilarious!

Rosemary said...

I love pink and girly!!
Loved every picture.

Di Overton said...

I was just about to put a comment on how you have included some of my all time favourties and there was me. Bless you.

Bronwyn said...

Hey there Gypsy,

Did you get snow? We got snow last night!!!! Isn't it freezing. I managed to get some cool pics. Have a happy day and bring on those woolies:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Gypsy!
I love this images! Have a nice day!

(I have made a new blog)

Hug from Katarina

Anonymous said...

The old one is


The new one is


Annie Jeffries said...

The stacked teacups inspired me to go into the kitchen and do the same with my small collection. I will work on it more tomorrow. At 12:33 a.m., the results were not encouraging and definitely need work.

Carol said...

I love these images. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What fun and frothy images - very girlie and great eye candy. Thanks for sharing.

ShabbyInTheCity said...

I'm anxious to look at some of these links :)
I emailed you day before yesterday about our bookmark swap...did you get it? You and I are partners if you still want to swap...I need your address.

stilettoheights said...

I want to live inside all of these pictures!!!

Ruth Rae said...

I have been so warped up in work that
I have not been to your blog in some time...
but oh my! I am so glad I made it by this morning!
as I scrolled down each post was more jaw drooping then the last!!! thank you for sharing all the eye candy!

Alexandra said...

I love your blog :) Always you find so beautiful things.

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

Fabulous post Gypsy. I love that sensual photo of the waoman with her feet in those flowers. I wish It was me.

Anonymous said...

Simply lucsious....I don't know what else to say! Thank you for all the links to these and assembling this visual feast!!

paintandink said...

Beautiful images.

I particularly like the phrase "Unapologetically Pretty" and the cake topper is fanTAStic.

carlene federer said...

love your visual montages! thanx for putting them together for us!

Anonymous said...

"Unapologetically Pretty "
I like that term. I long to be decadent and unapologetically pretty. ::sigh:: I still haven't come into who I am supposed to be yet...

Deb S. said...

Oh how beautiful!! I love your blog! Thanks so much for commenting on mine! :)

Betty said...

Beautiful images, gypsy...I am swooning!

Anonymous said...

All feminine and pretty.
I also like Kylie Lambert's cupcakes. She is the Queen of C.C.'s in my book!!

R2artstudio said...

More beautiful pictures, I just love to look at your blog, Thank you.

KLKinFLA said...

Beautiful images! The Sarah Kaye photos are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful post - gorgeous and welcomed eye candy!

Anonymous said...

oh wow, all gorgeous! i love pink at the moment! I wish i could feel pretty right now, its a bit hard being this pregnant and wearing black all the time! It must be pre labour pampering time, I'm off to the beautician, thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for stopping by my blog !! i love all your great photos !! thanks so much for sharing !

Anonymous said...

Being a long~time lover of "the vanity" I just gasped at that photo of the woman at the vanity! What a photo~~the feminie siren caught primping!
Just Loveley!!
Don't stop~~you have such talent to find and share beauty!

Gill said...

I just love how you feature other bloggers. That is so cool.

Lena said...

It's all so beautiful!

lindaharre said...

Your images make me feel frilly inside! Thanks for sharing the soft side:D How can you not love pink and lace? Great images and website....Thank you also for commenting on my blog:D

Anonymous said...

Oh my, these are by far the most beautiful images I have seen in a long time! You discover the best, and truly know how to tease and tempt our inner romantic girl!
Thank you for grabbing our hands and hearts and leading us to la creme de la creme.
Beauty is everywhere chez toi!

FrenchGardenHouse said...

oh, Gypsy, always the most inspiring images...today's, are awakening our romantic, soft and gentler side.

It's good to be a girl!:)

Anonymous said...

magnifique , ces photos sont sublimes ...

Anonymous said...

J'aime, j'aime, j'aime....
Fine bessot

Susan Tuttle said...

Ohhhhh--heavenly, girly indulgences!!!! Thanks so much for posting these wonderful treats for all of us to enjoy!


Anonymous said...

All so girly and beautiful, I love them all.

BelleSahi said...

Toutes ces photos sont très jolies...sauf la dernière !!

Anonymous said...

I love so much all of this poésie you share excatly what I jusqt love !!!


Anastasia said...

this post is amazing!! love all the images...such beauty!
funny thing is I also saved some of these pics two weeks ago when looking at Sarah Kaye's website - just gorgeous!!! we have similar taste haha!
I love people who appreciate beautiful things in life and you surely do!!

Merisi said...

Oh, so so lovely. thank you! :-)
I would have never thought so, but this year I am totally in love with pink. Pink flowers I've always loved, but now I am shifting from my reds and maygreens and sunburnt oranges in summer dresses to ... pink. Got a nice pink linen shift already. ;-)


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