Monday, June 25, 2007

Ala Gypsy: Thankful.........

As I`m writing this post today....I`m doing it with an attitude of gratitude....yes, this is exactly what I have.......and I hope to keep it this alive and burning..........

Sometimes in one`s life you have to almost loose the things that is the most important to you, to realise that your priorities , your focus and and your whole attitude derailed!!!!

I had to take a real hard look at myself this last few weeks.......become totally honest and actually own what I did I get did I allow myself to fool myself......

No, this Gypsy realised that I have to put first things first ..........and be so very, very thankful for all the blessings that I have...........and not allow myself to loose them......


Anonymous said...

Love that image, hope everything is well.

stilettoheights said...

wow...these are such powerful words, I am not sure what you have gone though recently but stay strong, and you are right...I too have almost lost everything before...and that is when I found out who I was and what was really important.

The Lone Beader® said...

HI Gypsy!! :)

Bronwyn said...

Yes those are powerful words, I'm not sure what you are going through but I send you lots of healing energy and inner strength to get you through.

Anonymous said...

I understand completly what you mean.
I wish you to keep your real way and to
be truly yourself.

R2artstudio said...

Our lives are so busy these days, we often forget the important things. You have said it all so well. Thank you for the beauty you bring to my life.

Merisi said...

I hope all's well for you.
With a big hug,

Rosemary said...

I'm not sure what you mean,but I am sending you a hug.

ShabbyInTheCity said...

No don't lose anything! Thankful is good.

Anonymous said...

From someone who has lost many times over, here's a huuuug. Waking up each morning with a prayer of thanks and each night with being grateful helps. Whatever you are struggling with I pray for blessings, comfort, and strength. Know in all things, you are not alone.

Southern Heart said...

I agree....being thankful "where you are" is always a good thing to concentrate on, and a wonderful reminder that life sometimes gives us.

I hope that all is well....good thoughts to you~

Love, Andrea

Anonymous said...

Hello ! I'm french, my english is very bad, and I hope you understand me.
I am a little gypsy in my heart and I love your blog.
My name is Fine Bessot, and my blog is :

xxxxx said...

Hi Chamara. Essential realisations are often a bit scary... but always a blessing. Sometimes we don't realise we're on the wrong track or have allowed things to slip... until we do. I invite you not to be harsh with yourself for your "late" awareness and to celebrate the fact that your soul and heart now know. I know you are grateful for that :-) I wish you very well. Hugs,

P.S: I've been meaning to post on gratitude these past few days but was up to my eyes in work. Will do today or tomorrow.

Stina said...

You are so nice to me ...allways. Thank you...
Hug Stina

Anonymous said...

It sound like your life must look bright today. Gratitude is one of the keys to happiness don't you think?

Judy said...

Hope you are ok. {kind of feel that way everyday especially when working on certain subject matter - you know what I mean}.
Thanks for your very thoughtful comment today.

live for each day...

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! Sometimes those realities hit me, right smack across the face.... But, always with good intentions for me to open my eyes bit wider, smile, breathe, and thank... xxxoooo, Vanessa

Annie Jeffries said...

Deep examinations of our interior life are, by their nature, very hard, but the results are often rewarding and open the door to personal growth. Blessings to you.

primdollie said...

Oh my dear you are so right!!! hard when we look and realize things may be out of focus or even out of sight and we need to get that back!!! glad that things are well and I too am very thankful for all I have!! enjoy dear!! stay well and most of all be happy!!!! Hugs Linda


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