I`ve been receiving e-mails about desertion, abandonment and neglect.....I know, I know, I know!!!!
I`m sorry, but have a little sympathy for this poor gypsy.......I`m swamped and there is just not enough hours in the day this week
I have mayor deadlines at work, re-decorating a room that must be finished by Friday, have 3 creative deadlines (1 already late) organising a fancy dress party for Saturday at my house....and just the normal wife, mommy and housy stuff.......and with that I am backing up everything on my computer (trust me this is taking up a LOT of time)----it will have to be formatted this weekend and everything reloaded----so I will most probably only be back on Monday or Tuesday
So spare a little thought for me.....and I promise I`ll make up for neglecting you all
Hi-ho, Hi-ho......it`s off to work I go...........
Don't you worry, my sweet gypsy. I won't forget you that easy; you know you're special. I kiss you,
Oh my! You bring new meaning to BUSY.
Hang in there!
(oh, and my disney loving husband sings, "I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go..." :D )
Gypsy Purple,
it's always so rewarding to find your nice comment on my blog, thank you for them.
I feel with you, somehow somewhere time seems to disappear for me too at the moment. I hope you get a break over the weeknight and can start anew with less pressure next week! All the best,
P.S.; Congratulations on your Thinking Blogger Award, you deserve it.
It's good to take a break sometimes and rebuild our energy and creativity, although that's not what you are doing--but we understand, believe me.
Don't worry , just do what you need to! We will be waiting with excitement for your next post when you are ready!
we miss you, that's all, but no fear we will be here when you get back, good luck with all you do!!
I think the image today is my favorite so far!!
Great gypsy image! You could ad the button about "blogging without obligation"....it should be that way. After all some bloggers have busy lives!
I'm sending positive thoughts your way!
Gypsy, I just love that graphic!
I was going to say what Lila did....I love the concept behind "blogging without obligation"---I have one on mine. You have to live life in order to be able to blog about it. ;) I just look forward to your posts whenever they may come.
What a beautiful image!! And what a busy bee you are. Take care and take at least 'some' time out!
Put your feet up girl. If only for 5 minutes.
Oh my what have you a lot going on!! I have not noticed, because i have been busy myself. But you know, this time of the year...Anyway, just do your stuff and take it easy girl. I wil surtently wait! Have a nice weekend, and good luck with the party, the dead lines and the re-decorating !!! Busy girl :)
incredibly cool blog.
ah, Gypsy...what a gorgeous La Vie!
who knew there was such obligation to blog?? I am glad for any little snippet from your pen...ahhh keyboard!
Life is busy and pressuring enough...I say blog when you want to...not because you have to. :)
Oh, I love that image.. How very funny. I am sure it was quite risque for its time...Oh, please, we love you! Of course you must be swamped.. go go, we will be here waitin for ya!!!xxo,V
Interesting mask- must have extra long ribbons on it. lol
It's good to take a break sometimes... it's been ages since I last blogged as well, just getting back into it.
Love the image...
so absolutey wonderful...
ur blog miss gypsy purple is just filled with glorious finds...
how i love it soooo x x x.
especially this picture of mask clothing- how beautiful.
i often come to vist ur blog its a real inspiration.
Actually...a month ago on my blog i did a gypsy illustration...
please take a peek.
love and adore ur blog.
will always be back
x x x x kazzy x x xx x
OK. I'm convinced you need an assistant. I'm your girl!
Take time to do what you need to do.
Thinking of you in your busy busy time....find moments for yourself!
We are sitting on the front porch,watermellon is cold,sweet chocolates,fresh blackberrys and strawberrys with sparkling champain.Come on over and sat a spell tonight.
Oh my goodness what a work load! Don't worry we will all be back to catch up when you have the time.
Thank you for joining us. his article is very helpful
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