Thanks for all the wonderful wishes and lovely words..........I appreciate every one of them and hope that all of you had such a lovely time as well!!!!
I so enjoy looking at all your Easter celebrations and decorations....decided to share some from this side as well......there are some more at my Flickrstream if you want to take a peek
Wow... I love the way you decorated for Easter! Quite inspiring...
I love the bright colors you used! It's all beautiful.
I'm happy you've enjoyed a nice day.
I'm so glad you had a nice Easter. Je t'embrasse, ma petite zingare,
Merci pour ta visite sur mon blog et tes voeux, je me réjouis de voir que tu as passé de joyeuses fêtes de Pâques.
That looks wonderful!
Your home looks so enchanting !
WOW! How nice. And so many nice colours. Hug Stina
Thankyou for your nice comment at my blog! I hope you´ve had a nice Easter! :)
My gosh, such Easter glamour! It's wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
what lovely decorating! sure beats my papier-mache bunny set out on the counter.
Wow, what a colourfull and tastefull Easter decoration you had! Your photos are really brautiful, I like them a lot!
Greetings, Verena
I missed you....
Happy Easter
What a feast for the eyes!
Your decorations are lovely! I am glad you had such a special time with your family!
O god, what a wonderful decoration!
Special Greetings from Vienna
Oh your easter looks wonderful. I am so glad you had such an incredible time - and to spend it with family - well that is a blessing indeed. Your decorations look so beautiful!
I love it Gypsy...very colorful Easter! :-) Glad you had a good time spent with family!
Went to look at your flickrstream. WOW WOW WOW such beautiful things. I am in awe!!
how beautiful!!
you did a wonderful job of decorating...your family must have loved it..what beautiful memories you are creating for them :)
xo ~Bella
Wow I would love to be at your house for Easter. So pleased you had such a lovely time. I love Easter it's a lovely time.
Oh my, Easter at your house looks like a dreamlike fantasyland! How fantastic! xxo,Vanessa
Wonderful photos and inspiration for Easter new life. You have a beautiful blog!
What beautiful pictures...Easter is so colorful and pretty at your house! You are very creative...I am so inspired! I'm glad that you had a lovely holiday~
Very wonderfull!
Congrats on 111 comments first of all! You are popular all over the world. (How does THAT feel?!:) Anyway, beautiful Easter setting you have there...I'm sure your family appreciates all you do to make things special!
Beautiful! Looks like you had a wonderful time, I am so glad!
How DO you DO it?
I love your pics of easter, especially the nests with the speckled eggs mixed with pastels...
you amaze me!!!
thanks for the b'day wishes, i'm still feeling the love!!
What gorgeous decorations!!!
Wow wonderful decoration
Simply beautiful!
Incredibly beautiful and inspiring Easter decorations!!! So many blessings your way!
:0) Amber H.
I LOVE your fearless use of color.
WOW! This is every bit as good as a Parisien Easter.
Maybe better!
The decorations you created for easter are wonderful!and beautiful photos as well!
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