It was a fancy dress......you had to dress as someone or something beginning with a M......as it was Megan`s party.......her 14th.....and yes, she`s officially a teenager now.....
The birthday girl dressed as a Medieval Princess and her beau as a Medieval Archer....we had Mickey and Minnie, Old MacDonald, Mrs McGregor, Morticia, a musician, Maid Marian, the Mafia, Monica Lewinsky and a whole bunch of other "M"`s
Everything was a huge success...except for....the cake......
Everything was a huge success...except for....the cake......
For the first time in my life, I tried to decorate with marzipan......never realising that a chocolate cake won`t do the thing....... Why can`t I be like normal people ......no...for a first try, it had to be a 3 layered one....with the first layer a chocolate cake...oh dear......everything was stunning and very, very pretty and IndigoGirl and myself, were very proud of ourselves........until we saw the cake the next morning.........talk about disappointment.
The top 2 layers gently glided off the chocolate pink "joker" layer and greeted us almost top down ....it was hilarious. We could "almost" salvage the top 2 layers and pasted butterflies and flowers and tried to camouflage all the holes and imperfections
We didn`t have a perfect cake....but we had loads of fun......and it was yummy......see some more pics on IndigoGirl`s blog
I will post the "almost finished" room a bit later.........
I will post the "almost finished" room a bit later.........
oh my Gypsy...you really know how to do up a party!! what a memorable birthday for your daughter & she looks ab~soul~utely adorable!! can you adopt me!? :) although I think you are younger than I!!
xo ~Bella
What a fun party! One that will be remembered for a long time :)
What a beautiful daughter you have. I would have come as ME
What a FABULOUS idea!!! Love it! I am going to show my 12 year old, perhaps she'll be inspired for next year! And I think the cake looks marvelous - I have never done anything like that with marzipan, bet it tasted incredible!
Such a wonderful party! Your cake story brought back wonderful childhood memories of a tilting house and holding layer cakes together with toothpicks-because more than once gravity had taken hold of the top layers of cake.
How absolutely fun! I am sure your daughter will remember all your loving efforts!
Groovy, sounds like a good time was had by all!
What a fun idea for a party and how busy you must have been. Sometimes it is the 'flops' that create the most fun and long-lasting memories but I am sure the cake was tasty regardless!
It looks like you did have fun and I'm glad you did, Gypsy. Your girl was really gorgeous. Love and kisses,
Sounds like my kinda party!
What a pretty girl you have too!
Everything looks beautiful! Including your daughter! Hope she had a blast and a happy birthday!
I guess it's not a party without Monica Lewinsky??? I really had to laught at that! That is hilarious! Your daughter is stunning, love the dress! WOW, 14 was a very good year! Happy Birthday to her! xxo,V
What a cool party! Even with a cake fiasco, it looks like fun. (bet the cake TASTED great! :D) Blessings to Megan!
Oh my gosh- I have had cake mishaps myself that were quite similar to yours- They are not really mishaps of course because they werejust too sweet and too fun. Now I just stick to painting them... Love your blog- link trade?
What a beautiful daughter you have.
Very nice and beautiful pictures.
Fun party.
Hug from Stina
Thanks so much for visiting my blog, it is not often that I meet a fellow South African. Your blog is gorgeous, love the French vintage theme, and love your theme party photos. We actually belong to a club where we have a different theme party about every 3 months or so.We have had so many fun evenings.Our last one was the Arabian Nights.
I am also glad to read about the origin of the Thinking Blogger's award, as I was given one too (I was really surprised) and happily nominated 5 others without really knowing what it was all about. Now I can at least go back with the answer, of where this originated from.
Have you visited my sister's blog, Bonnie? She is also into altered art and vintage things, and also makes the most beautiful cards. She actually also has a swap on at the moment. I have given her your link as I know she will love your blog. Here is hers:
Have a great day.
Iwrote a comment yesterday here, but it seems it didn't work, so this post ws very funny! and the cake looked very good,it looks like a cartoon cake ;)
Oh what a wonderful party it looks!! And what a great idea for a 'themed' fancy dress party. I did chuckle at your cake 'almost' disaster!! The room looks wonderful too - I am sure your daughter must be delighted.
it sounds like a wonderful party, the whole time I was wondering what I would have dressed as....I think I would have gone as a "model" all glammed up and acting like a diva.
Looks like a wonderful party and what a beautiful girl! You'll always laugh later about the cake!
I laughed out loud and can so relate to your comment "why can't I be normal!" The beauty and curse of creative people!!
It sounds like you had a great party! Fun, Fun and more Fun!!
Back Porch Musings
It sounds like everyone had a great time---I loved the photos!
What a great idea! Looks like you had heaps of fun. Very brave to tackle Marzipan, I am super-impressed!
What a Blast!! The pictures are great. The idea of dressing in "M" so cute. And the cake...I'm sorry....bet it tasted wonderful...
How nice to have such a success!
Your daughter is gorgeous! The party looked and sounded like a lot of fun. I think the cake looks pretty good!!!
How gorgeous is she? congratulations Megan!! have a great year!!
Oh my, what a fabulous idea for a party! It sounds like it was alot of fun!!! sorry about the cake incident, but I bet no one even noticed!
It looks like we are all agreed - it was FUN in capitals and your daughter is an emerging beauty. I love your party theme and the ingenuity people brought to the costumes. I visited Indigo Girl too. Fab cake.
Hi again,
Love your blog, so fun and interesting. Was wondering if you were going to share some pictures of my little fairy furniture some time?? I've posted lots of new things on my blog and there's tons of pretty things on my site. I would be thrilled to be included on your blog.
take care,
Debbie Schramer
Are you still recovering from the party??? Oh, you must have had toooo much fun!!!
What a fabulous party!!!
Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter.
It soundes like a truly great party. Your daughter is amazingly beautiful in her medieval dress.
I also llike the metallic-looking balloons. :-) Have a nive weekend! Or, "trevlig helg" as we say in Sweden.
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