Saturday, June 9, 2007

Gypsy says: You have to see this....

These are some fabulous posts from this week.....I loved it....enjoy.........

Want to go shopping in Paris....who wouldn`t.......check this with Claudia and Anahata.......this is what Claudia plans...........Our trips coincide with the French home furnishing's show, Maison et Objet. It's a trade show where you'll find pieces from France, Belgium, England and Italy, all under one roof. In addition, we'll visit markets, auctions, depot-ventes, brocantes and attic sales for furniture and accessories you can only find in a treasure chest like Paris. We'll dine at charming French restaurants and spend our days uncovering jewels, and hunt for that piece de resistance. We shop where French dealers do for great prices on everything from chandleliers to chaise lounges. I'll take you all my own favorite spots and help with everything from negotiations, shipping, and customs red tape. I'm at your service from booking your airfare and hotel to making sure your pieces arrive safely home to you. Whether you have a store or are just looking for that je ne sais quoi, you're sure to find one of a kind, museum quality heirlooms.

Beachy, from Beachy`s Cape Cod Cupboard is having fun with vintage lace and antique spoons....loved it!!!!!

The Nirali Magazine had a GORGEOUS wedding issue. This first installment of Nirali's wedding feature shows how four couples planned beautiful South Asian can just imagine how I enjoyed this colour and details....just had to share........ It was also shared by Anahata, Oh Joy and Love Made Visible.......there is more if you would like a peek.....

I love detail .......and loved this post by Style Court on attention to detail.......

This post by Ulla, where she features the dreamy clothing of Cazlove and also shared a poem with us, just captured me......go and have a look.......

Heather from PresentPast Collection, shared with us some collections and fabulous things she found to use as props......what a stunning blog......


Anonymous said...

fabulous friday .... fabulous things!!

Di Overton said...

You do THE BEST roundups. I love this sort of post and you are so kind to be showcasing other blogs like this. Lovely lady!

Cape Cod Washashore said...

All that lace you've shown! I'm in heaven!!! Thank you for mentioning me! I am in awe of those beautiful Asian wedding photos - just beautiful! One of my college roomies was from India and it was so fun when she would wear her sari and her awesome gold jewelry.

Kahshe Cottager said...

Oh! Oh! Oh! So many pretties on one page! I am almost on overload!

Anonymous said...

How can you find each time such wonderful
creations !

Becky said...

These post are great and so is your blog. I have peeked in a few times and wanted to let you know I just love it.
Thanks for sharing so much.

Anonymous said...

How inspiring and beautiful!

Linda said...

Wow, you're right-these are all beautiful sites.

Annie Jeffries said...

Such beautiful images. I'm so glad you share them here.

Anonymous said...

Just catching up...
What an armful to catch!
Simply YUMMY :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Gypsy,
I like the photos of the Indian wedding. Such happy colors! I went to an Indian friends wedding and all the girlfriends had our hands done in henna. I like the brides decorated feet and those shoes! I'm inspired. I think I'll make some! Thanks to for the other links too.

Anonymous said...

Chamara, gorgeous eye candy here. Would just looooove to go to PAris for that home show (who wouldn't?)!

Anonymous said...

I always love this post that you do - all the pictures are gorgeous and alot are new sites to me. Thanks for the links!


Anonymous said...

your blog is an enchantment for my french eyes !!!

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Gypsy, you have the best eye! Through you I can always visit the best, interesting and gorgeous blogs around!

The Indian Wedding took my breath away, especially the bride's feet and her shoes....stunning.

Thanks for always presenting the most exciting and amazing....wish I was going to Paris and the giftshow there.:)


Darla said...

Ah, now I know how I'll be spending the rest of the morning. I'll be following the bread crumbs you left going from one beautiful site to another. YUM!

Thanks for the work you do to organize things like this.


Rosemary said...

I love your blog too!
I am going to add you to my blog list.
Nice to meet you.

sheila from life @ #17 said...

You def. have the knack for finding beautiful things and "moments" to share :)...

I love, absolutely love, all the colour at the weddings! makes me want to get married all over again...

let me go tell Mr G...


Anonymous said...


So very much for stopping by to visit me and leaving your nice comment!!

I always enjoy a visit from you.


M!ssPr!ssy said...

Wow, you are a true artist, thanks for visiting my blog. ~best

Karen Cole said...

Love your eye for color, detail,

There are sooooo many trips I want to take and workshops I want to do. Will this trip be offered again?????

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm honored!!!


P. said...

Thanks for the links.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful images and ideas.

salty pebble said...

thank you gypsy- sweet girl,
always a joy and inspiration to visit your many amazingly wonderful images!!!
i love the french styles sooooo thinking of painting some of my dark wood furniture with white wash paint...cos' i love the vintage french feel of the furniture...'beautiful'.

love the gyspsy finds...
all the wonders and delight of your blog i could stay here all week and admire it...

x x x kazzy x x x

Ragged Roses said...

Hi, Thanks for the lovely comment! What a treat to be offered such lovely photos from blogs in one post! Thank you so much!
Kim x

Megan said...

oh what an absolute feast for the eyes! These are all so divine!

Megan xx

stilettoheights said...

The Indian wedding were some of my favorite images from the week too!!

Ro Bruhn said...

What fabulous images, I love the colour in the wedding photos WOW.
Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments

Anonymous said...

Yummmy what great eye candy.

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for visiting my blog!
I LOVE your site!
I was here once before, but then couldn't find know how that goes. LOL

You have the most amazing photos, I could spend all day here!

Kimberly :)

Amy said...

Thank you for visiting my blog at Abundant Curiosities. I love all the wonderful color on your blog. You always share such interesting art and ideas from other women too. Thanks for your blog!!!

Izabella Blue said...

you know I always have to hold my breath, when I come to see your new posts! as always, you have found the koolest of treasures!

I am off for my long awaited vacation :) hugs to you my sweet friend! xo ~Bella

Betty said...

your blog is always so gorgeous!

Abby Kerr Ink said...


I adore the quad of wedding photos. How inspiring. I love the use of unconventional colors--amber, marigold, and aqua or robin's egg blue. Ooh... I will file this one away for the future. :)


Anonymous said...

Delicious Paris to India, the world of creative bloggers at our finger tips through you.

cindy said...

gypsy, after sewing on white traditional wedding dresses all day today, those beautiful COLORFUL bridal images were like a scrumptious candy shop to me! i had to link to you and those wonderful images!

Laume said...

Seeing the beautiful colorful wedding images I have to make sure you've seen the movie Monsoon Wedding. I just watched it again a few weeks ago and loved it all over again.


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